The Most Amazing Christmas!

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I woke up turned and looked at my clock it was 8:00 a.m I shot up out of my bed went and told my brother wake up it’s Christmas! We both walked in the living room and we saw all of the presents under the tree  and my mom and grandparents were sitting in the room and looked at us and said “ Are y’all gonna open presents or not?” We responded “ Yeah!! What kind of question is that?”  I thought to my self should I go for the big one 1st or the small ones then the big one. I finally chose the small ones and worked my way up to the big one. The first one I opened was a pair of LA Idols I was shocked! Then I reached for the second one and then I thought to myself “ Wait a minute I should give the rest of the family their presents first and then I’ll open mine. “ I thought that we be the most caring and respectful thing to do.” So they opened theirs my mom was like Oh My Gosh! Lacey I love it! I had gotten her a zebra cross necklace with different colored diamonds on it. Then my grandma opened her I got her a new housecoat and some house shoes because I asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she had said “ New house shoes” and she had this ugly grandma looking one she used to wear so I thought that would be a good present she’ll love it! Turns out she did, last but not least my grandpa’s present I got him and my dad a grill light. They both used  it the day that I gave it to them.

                Christmas  night I was bummed that Christmas was almost over. But then I remembered that Christmas is not all about the presents its about Jesus Christ! Today is the day he was born and that we need to celebrate this day as a day to remember! Right when we sat down for dinner with all of the family I said why don’t we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and then pray! This is definitely a Christmas tradition I will remember to start every year!