The Most Important Thing!

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My most favorite sense is sight! With sight you can do a lot of things like: picking out your own clothes to wear to church or school. You also could wash your hair knowing the right soap to wash it with you could fix it by yourself too. You could read books like the Bible! You could play sports. Sight is really wonderful you use it in most of all the things you do! It is good for lots of things like: you can read, write, play sports, or work! Everything in life is used with sight

        Life without sight would be TERRIBLE!!! You wouldn’t be able to see what you were wearing you would probably have to let your mom pick out your clothes and dress you that wouldn’t be fun there’s no telling what you would look like! Also you couldn’t do your hair you wouldn’t know if you used the shampoo 1st or conditioner it would be terrible! You couldn’t be in sports like: volleyball, softball, or basketball. Another thing is if you were to go to church and didn’t really know the song they were singing and you wouldn’t be able to sing them. Also in school you would probably have to learn braille to feel what you were learning or the discussion you and your teacher were talking about! You need sight for almost everything I think it’s the most wonderful sense of all!