News Story1

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News Story 1

Principal Tonya King denied junior Jim Stack’s request to grow his hair out for charity “Locks of Love,” Stack’s wrote a letter to the school board asking them to vote on his request. They vote Monday to vote.
‘Had I approved Stack’s request then, I would have students everyday asking if they could break the dress code,” Principal Tonya King said. “The school would be chaos then.”
The school dress code states that “male students hair must be no longer than collar length and must be of a natural color.” couldn’t stretch the rules for 1 student.
“I don’t know how many teenagers today would put so much time and effort into helping someone else.” Jim Stack’s mother Holly Stack said.
Stack’s taking up to 12 and 18 months to grow his hair out 10 inches top donate to ‘Locks of Love.” Stack’s was motivated to donate his hair after watching his 5 year old sister lose her hair due to chemotherapy treatment.
“Not very many people donate hair.” Stack said. anyone can donate money but, it takes time and dedication to grow your hair and donate it.”
Stack’s family could not afford a wig but his mother contacted the non profit group and they sent her a wig that changed her personality.
“When the wig arrived, she came alive again.” Stack’s mother said the wig changed stack’s sister’s attitude. and after that she got a clean bill of health and inspired her brother Jim to donate his hair.
“After i reach my goal of 10 inches of hair,” Stack’s said. I hope I can inspire more people in the town to grow their hair and donate it.”