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List all Nutrients in Broccoli
List 10 sources of Fiber
List 10 sources of protein
List 10 sources of fat
List sources of B12 not in text

Nutrients in Raw Broccoli (1 cup):

•Calories 30
•Calories from fat 3
•Total fat 0.3g
•Sodium 29g
•Potassium 278.51mg
•Carbohydrates 5.8g
•Dietary Fiber 2.3g
•Sugar 1.5g
•Protein 2.5g

Vitamin A 11%
Vitamin C 131%
Calcium 4%Iron 4%

Top 10 sources of Fiber:

1.) Apples- 3.3 grams
2.) Rye Bread- 5.6 grams for 2 slices
3.) Broccoli, frozen, cooked- 5.5 grams per cup
4.) Pecan Nuts- 5.4 grams per 2 ounces (40 halves)
5.) Prunes- 7.7 grams per cup
6.) Split peas, cooked- 16.3 grams per cup
7.) Shredded Wheat Cereal- 5.7 grams per cup
8.) Half Cup Bean with Ham- 19 grams
9.) Navy Beans- 19 grams per cup
10.) Wheat Bread- 5.2 grams for 2 slices

S​ources of B12


10 sources of Protein
1. Fresh tuna
2. Lentils and rice
3. Nonfat milk
4. Clams
5. Lean beef, top round
6. Skinless chicken breast
7. Pinto beans and corn tortillas
8. Halibut
9. Egg whites
10. Tofu and baked potato

10 Sources of Fat:

Good Fats:
– fish

– nuts

– oils and veggie spreads

– seeds

– avocados

Bad Fats:
– Red meat

– Ice cream

– Butter

– Whole fat milk

– Cheese

Poem of the Day

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The Purpose of Poetry
This old man grazed thirty head of cattle
In a valley just north of the covered bridge
On the Mississinewa, where the reservoir
Stands today. Had a black border collie
And a half-breed sheep dog with one eye.
The dogs took the cows to pasture each morning
And brought them home again at night
And herded them into the barn. The old man
Would slip a wooden bar across both doors.
One dog slept on the front porch, one on the back.

He was waiting there one evening
Listening to the animals coming home
When a man from the courthouse stopped
To tell him how the new reservoir
Was going to flood all his property.
They both knew he was too far up in years
To farm anywhere else. He had a daughter
Who lived in Florida, in a trailer park.
He should sell now and go stay with her.
The man helped bar the doors before he left.

He had only known dirt under his fingernails
And trips to town on Saturday mornings
Since he was a boy. Always he had been around
Cattle, and trees, and land near the river.
Evenings by the barn he could hear the dogs
Talking to each other as they brought in
The herd; and the cows answering them.
It was the clearest thing he knew. That night
He shot both dogs and then himself.
The purpose of poetry is to tell us about life.

Jared Carter


the poem made me realize that you sometimes don’t know what you have until you risk of losing it. Yes I really think that this is the purpose of poetry to elaborate on what you feel about something and just separate it into sections and make it soun d like its really happening to the reader and for them to catch the “mood” and feel the same things you are. And that life isn’t always perfect and we should live everyday like it’s our last and to always appreciate what you have because you never know when it could go away.

The Dangers or Benefits Extracurricular Activities

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Lacey Maness
English 1
April 10, 2015
The Dangers or Benefits of Extracurricular Activities

From volleyball practice to softball practice, to cheer and on top of that seven hours of school? There’s barely enough time to stop and breathe, much less worry about hours of homework. Even though these after school activities take up so much time, there is still education on the line that needs to be worried about. Extra curricular activities harm students in improving their education and can cause physical harm to their body.
All of these practices after school on top of high school, homework, trying to advance to the next grade and graduation. For example, school for seven hours plus volleyball, softball and cheer that’s an extra five hours added to a regular school day. That’s outrageous! Nearly a fourteen hour day plus hours and hours of homework for English, algebra and biology. There’s barely enough time to stop and take a breath between practices, much less spend all these extra hours drowning in homework and trying to keep grades up just to keep a smile on mom and dads face. Choosing just a few extra curricular activities instead of 4 and 5 can help reduce the stress overload. And to help keep a steady focus on passing all of the main course classes, graduating high school, and being happy.
Extra curricular activities can also cause physical harm to a young person’s body. Stress fractures, pulled muscles and broken bones is happening more often than it should in young people by too much stress being applied to a growing body. Five extra hours of stress being applied to muscles isn’t much help either. Young teenagers should not be applying this much harm to their bodies, because their bodies aren’t even done growing yet, pulling muscles and breaking bones is slowing that process down. Without several extra curricular activities causing so much harm to the body, teenagers bodies could make healthier impacts on their lives.
Therefore, extra curricular activities harm students in education and physically hurting their brains and bodies. Extra curricular activities harm students in many ways that can influence to lack of success

The Most Important Thing!

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My most favorite sense is sight! With sight you can do a lot of things like: picking out your own clothes to wear to church or school. You also could wash your hair knowing the right soap to wash it with you could fix it by yourself too. You could read books like the Bible! You could play sports. Sight is really wonderful you use it in most of all the things you do! It is good for lots of things like: you can read, write, play sports, or work! Everything in life is used with sight

        Life without sight would be TERRIBLE!!! You wouldn’t be able to see what you were wearing you would probably have to let your mom pick out your clothes and dress you that wouldn’t be fun there’s no telling what you would look like! Also you couldn’t do your hair you wouldn’t know if you used the shampoo 1st or conditioner it would be terrible! You couldn’t be in sports like: volleyball, softball, or basketball. Another thing is if you were to go to church and didn’t really know the song they were singing and you wouldn’t be able to sing them. Also in school you would probably have to learn braille to feel what you were learning or the discussion you and your teacher were talking about! You need sight for almost everything I think it’s the most wonderful sense of all!


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The ball speeding over the net
Right in their faces!

They serve it
we bump it, set it,
WOW! Point for White Oak Jrs.

We won the tournament!
We were SO cheerful!
25-10 YEAH!

We were 2-6 when we left Dallas!
“Back to White Oak girls,” Our coach yelled!

The Most Amazing Christmas!

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I woke up turned and looked at my clock it was 8:00 a.m I shot up out of my bed went and told my brother wake up it’s Christmas! We both walked in the living room and we saw all of the presents under the tree  and my mom and grandparents were sitting in the room and looked at us and said “ Are y’all gonna open presents or not?” We responded “ Yeah!! What kind of question is that?”  I thought to my self should I go for the big one 1st or the small ones then the big one. I finally chose the small ones and worked my way up to the big one. The first one I opened was a pair of LA Idols I was shocked! Then I reached for the second one and then I thought to myself “ Wait a minute I should give the rest of the family their presents first and then I’ll open mine. “ I thought that we be the most caring and respectful thing to do.” So they opened theirs my mom was like Oh My Gosh! Lacey I love it! I had gotten her a zebra cross necklace with different colored diamonds on it. Then my grandma opened her I got her a new housecoat and some house shoes because I asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she had said “ New house shoes” and she had this ugly grandma looking one she used to wear so I thought that would be a good present she’ll love it! Turns out she did, last but not least my grandpa’s present I got him and my dad a grill light. They both used  it the day that I gave it to them.

                Christmas  night I was bummed that Christmas was almost over. But then I remembered that Christmas is not all about the presents its about Jesus Christ! Today is the day he was born and that we need to celebrate this day as a day to remember! Right when we sat down for dinner with all of the family I said why don’t we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and then pray! This is definitely a Christmas tradition I will remember to start every year!